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My vision with 1kFitness is to create a 1kMindset and build better habits in our everyday lives. The habits that drive people to succeed and live long healthy lives. This means getting up early getting an intense workout in, eating high protein meals with fruits and vegetables and power our intellectual minds by reading daily. The last 2 years were my most down moments, due to loss of a close family member, losing my best friend, then going through a divorce. Some of this was in my control and I struggled with some bad habits. I have now become closer in my faith, in the best shape, and feel the best I ever had in my life just by changing up a few things that I was doing daily. I am not perfect, nor will I ever be, but living with worry and anxiety every day is something I never want to go back to. By adapting a healthy routine in your life and creating better habits you will receive mental clarity, less worry and anxiety, increased self-confidence and become the best husband, wife, father, mother, or business owner you can be. Once these habits are instilled, they are hard to break, and it will seem routine every day. We want to be around for as long as we can to prosper for our families and be the greatest servants we can be to God. 10x your life by adapting to a routine proven to maximize your mind mentally and shred you physically!
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